The Bullish Trade!
Stop losing money on wrong option trades.
Earn more by finding option trades with highest profit probability and lowest risk πŸ’Ž
Select strategies and stocks you prefer.
We find best trades that match your criteria πŸ’ͺ
We scan, you profit! πŸ’°
No credit card required. Instant signup.
Free plansΒ available.
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How does it help? 🧐
Increase profits by working with trades that have highest profit probability.
We scan, you get tons of trades ideas. In one click. Automated.
No need to manually search hundreds of companies.
No need to check and look over hundreds of option chains.
We automatically compare all the possible strategy variations for you.
All expirations. All strikes. All deltas. All spreads. All greeks.
After millions of variations you get the trades that match your criteria.
And we tell you why the trade is better than others.
πŸ€“ How does it work?
Select the strategies and stocks you trade.
The app shows you trades that have highest profit probability and lowest risk, so you can increase your earnings and reduce loss.
Novice trader? Just use our default preferences.
You will get the best options with max profit probability and lowest risk.
Advanced trader? Set your risk and profit preferences
Max margin, min credit, max debit, min credit to profit ratio, spread widths, greeks and more. Per each strategy!
The scanner checks and compares each single possible option variation.
The app compares all expirations, strikes and greeks.
And you get the best trades in real time 🀌
We are looking for trades with highest profit probability, lowest risks, and best profit to loss ratio. Across all the selected companies, strategies, and expirations.
I want to try it! 😻
The Bullish Trade is available for free.
Free for 3 searches per day.
You get tens of trade ideas just from one search! And with three?
You will definitely find something awesome!
Signup, select your favourite companies
And see if there are any nice trades at this moment πŸ’Έ
How can I get it? 🧐
The Bullish Trade is available for any platform.
You can download it for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
If you also need to check the markets on the go, we have mobile apps for iOS and Android.
If you don't want to download anything yet, you can use our web app, right in your browser.
Download The Bullish Trade App: All downloads
πŸ₯Ή How much?
3 searches per day
per month
500 searches per day
One search scans one single stock for unlimited amount of strategies and trades.
One search shows you tens of trades for one stock (if there are any): multiple credit or debit spreads, iron condors, and more.
Imagine what multiple searches can do!
The best part? One trade easily covers the cost of the subscription for months to come πŸ’°
No credit card required. Instant signup.
Explain simpler!
We scan hundreds of thousands of options
available at this moment.
We remove the πŸ’© bad trades.
Low risk to reward ratio? Gone. Low credit? High debit? Gone. Low probability of success? Gone.
You get the πŸ’Ž awesome ones.
You automate your options search.
Increase your profit probability. And overall profit.
Cool. Let's start!
No credit card required. Instant signup

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